Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Private Parties in Pawleys Island

How to throw a private party without cooking or cleaning? Whether it a bridal shower, reception, family reunion, birthday party,  or whatever ... take your show on the road - and let a Bove Restaurant & Grill do the work for you.
The key to successful restaurant entertaining is creativity and daily specials. While many restaurants have dedicated party spaces - we have a private room.  Many others will work with you to create a "party space" where one doesn't usually exist. A restaurant that is only open for dinner may be able to entertain a party at lunch.  Or, if you are willing to make it worth our restaurant's while, we may be open to letting you take over the majority of the facility - this is easier to accomplish on the slower nights at the beginning of a week than on Friday or Saturday.

Give us a call and we will discuss the details!

The Staff at Bove

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Wedding Events at Restaurants in Pawleys Island

Calling all brides to be!!!!  There are many exciting moments between getting engaged and walking down the aisle. One of the most anticipated events for any bride-to-be is the bridal shower. Usually hosted by the mother-of-the bride or the bridesmaids, the bridal shower is a time to celebrate with friends and family while getting everything a couple needs to start their life together.

Wedding showers are sometimes hosted at someone’s house, but often they are held at a larger bridal shower venue. Since bridal showers can range from 20 to 100 guests (or even more), it’s often easier to take the party to a venue more suited for larger events such as restaurants .

If you’re planning a bridal dinner or evening cocktails, then come to
Bove Restaurant & Bar in Pawleys Island, a beautiful location for your event.  Once you see the space, you can then begin working on the theme and bridal shower decorations.  Feel free to contact us with any and ALL questions!  Good luck to you!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Harbor Walk Festival

This annual festival offers a theater performance, over 125 booths of arts and crafts and food, three stages of entertainment, a kids area, an antique car show, boat tours of the harbor and a boat show.  It takes place from 10 a.m.-6 p.m.

Dine in Georgetown County 

A little bit about Georgetown:

Welcome to Georgetown!!! Founded in 1729, Georgetown is the state's third oldest city behind Charleston and Beaufort! Named after George II, the quaint 

community of only 9,000 people boasts more than 50 historic homes and buildings, some dating back to the 1730's. Situated on a peninsula, Georgetown is surrounded on three sides by water.

This event is family friendly and a great way to visit 
and tour one of Georgetown's most historical sites.

The weather is looking promising for this event and 
we hope to see you there!

The Staff at Bove Restaurant & Bar

Fine Dining in Pawleys Island

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The "Insider Card" for a Restaurant in Pawleys Island

Do you have your Insiders Card yet?  See Peter or Angi next time you're at Bove or ask your server.

Here's what you and one guest save with the Bove Insider's Card:

10% off your food bill nightly when you're seated before 6:30.

One year of our Wednesday night ½ price entrees (save about $25)

Thursday night wine tasting - receive our featured glass of wine of the night free with the purchase of an entrée.  Also all wines are 1/2 price after 2 glasses at regular price.  (save about $30)

Plus other cardholder exclusive specials and offers throughout the year!

The card is only $100 and is good for one year from date of purchase.  Only four visits pays for your card! 

This card may not be used in conjunction with any other promotion or holiday events. This card is not transferable.
Dining Room Left
We hope you'll come spend time with us this Spring.  All of us at Bove look forward to seeing everyone again this season.  In additional to enjoying a great meal and friendship at Bove, here's a list of interesting events going on in the area:

April 9
The Original Drifters, The Coasters, Herb Reed & The Platters at the Alabama Theatre

April 12
Bruce Jenner: "The Champion Within" at Brunswick Community College

April 16
Smokey Robinson at the Alabama Theatre

April 23
Easter Egg Hunt 2:00 at Huckabee Complex in Surfside

April 23 & 24
Art in the Park at Market Commons

April 25
POP 101 Spring Concert at Coastal Carolina University

April  30
10th Annual Spring Flounder Tournament sponsored by the Grand Strand Saltwater Anglers Association.

April 30
Beach Music Festival on Ocean Blvd between 8th & 9th Avenues

April 30
Randy Travis at the Alabama Theatre

May 1
Fundraiser run/walk for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society at Grand Park 1-6 p.m.

May 7 6:30 p.m.
Pawleys Pavilion Reunion
The Embers and famed DJ Paul Craver. Pawleys Nature Park, N.Causeway 843-546-5685 

May 8 - 15
Uncorked Food, Wine and Spirits Festival

May 21 
Christian Music Festival
Btw 8th & 9th Ave, MB
Great music performances, arts & crafts, food, fireworks

Its going to be a really fun Spring and Summer at the Beach - Hope to see you!!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Host your next Pawleys Island Party Event at Bove!

Dining Room Right
Dining Room Left
Outside 3
Join Our Mailing List!
Host Your Next Party, Event, Special Occasion at Bove 

Private Functions...
At Bove, we carry on Lee's legacy of impeccable hospitality with imcomparable culinary talents combined with new interpretations of the bounty of the Southern Table.

Bove has a private room which accommodates sixty guests.  Our entire facility, with seating for 150, is available for luncheons and all day on Sundays.  Or, we can bring the Bove talents to your home, office or facility.

Casual or formal, we will help you plan from start to finish and look forward to serving you.

Please contact us for information on hosting your next event at Bove.  We will be happy to meet with you to plan all the details that make your guests happy!

Angela Morris
Angela Morris, the face of Bove, will help you plan your event, then she'll see to every detail to make sure your experience is stress-free and your guests rave.

Angela has partnered with Peter Sr. for fifteen years and has orchestrated the tasks associated with providing memorable dining experiences for the numerous restaurants the pair have opened during those years.

Today at Bove she directs many aspects of the business but fundamental to her duties is anticipating the needs of her guests and seeing to those tasks. In the immortal words of the late Mae West, Angela is making the words, "Come back and see me some time." come to life at Bove.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Growing Up Restaurant

We pick up the saga of my Mother's stolen money with the last person on our list of suspects - my mother's cleaning girl, Paula Johnson who was spending a lot of money...

 Once I was able to ascertain that the Johnson's were lying to my sister about where the money was coming from, I wanted to know why they were lying. Probate court records showed no inheritance due them. The Johnson's had been my sister's tenants in her upstairs apartment in Proctor Vermont for a couple of years and my mother's cleaning lady.

 I was able to gain access to the Johnson's credit was a late night clandestine visit to a local bank. One day they had credit cards that were all over their limits: Sears, Montgomery Ward, Visa and Master Card.  The next day, all the balances were paid in full. Continuing my investigation, I discovered they had purchased a new Ford LTD, kept the car less than six months and traded it on a new, fully loaded Mustang. They lost a lot of money on the trade, nobody does that with money they made or even inherited, they were spending my mother's money like they hit the lottery.

 Further investigation showed that they were taking trips to NY City, going to Broadway shows, taking friends and picking up the tabs. They did one final thing that put me over the edge; they purchased a new stereo system ...state of the art at the time. The old system, simple but nice, they sold to my sister and her husband Jim who were making payments on it to the Johnsons!

 Looking into their spending I could almost account for all the money they had taken. What was going to need to happen was that they were going to pay my mother's money back.  But they couldn't do that from jail.

 I called the Commodore once again. It wasn't because there was an intimidation problem with the Johnson's, but I wanted them to understand the repercussions of not making the payments on time. The way I figured it, Ms. Johnson discovered the money boxes and took a few dollars, then a little more, and a little more until she realized no one was checking behind her, and then one day, she took it all. Almost a year had gone by and they must have thought... what a score!

 I assured The Commodore that these were the people and I just wanted him to scare them - no guns, no Crusher.  I asked him to bring someone more civilized.  That's when I met a character they called Ali Baba. Ali and the Commodore came by limo from Boston and we had a dinner in the back room of the Casa Bianca.  My mother once again didn't like the whole thing, but we were committed to justice for her. She was still happy to feed us.

 After dinner that night we headed out on the town in the limo for a cocktail and the driver ran a red light. The next thing we know we're being pulled over by a Vermont State Trooper. The officer came to the back window and looked into the car. It was our  old friend the cannoli junkie.  He took one look in the car and said, "I was never here!"  My new friends from Boston were impressed.  Little did they know, that trooper knew all.

 Mr. Johnson worked a night shift and returned home at eight a.m...we planned to be there when he arrived home from work.  So, the next morning at 7:45 a.m., we were sitting in the driveway of the Johnson's house in a long black limo with Massachusetts plates.  Not something you saw every morning in Rutland Vermont in 1981. Johnson was dropped off by a fellow worker.  Lunch pail in hand, he started walking towards the limo and the stairs to his apartment. He kept looking at the strange sight in his driveway and just as he approached the car, out come my two friends from Boston.

I remained in the car while Ali Baba and the Commodore stopped him and began talking with him.  They had a way with words and I saw Mr. Johnson's  body language tell a story - it was that fear thing again.  Although there was no gun or fist to the jaw, the fear was once again transparent. The Commodore came back to the car and said, "He's our guy." Mrs. Johnson was up-stairs in their second floor apartment snug in bed. She woke to a lot of commotion.
I stayed calm and told them how it was going to be; that I would come back with a truck and take everything of value that I could find and sell it all.  The balance would be drawn up in a note and paid with interest. They agreed.

I returned a few hours later with a couple of my best friends and two pickup trucks. We removed TVs, stereo, jewelry, guns and anything of value I could find, and I also took the Mustang. I drove the Mustang back to the restaurant feeling like the King of the Hill. I had delivered some resolve and there was hope my mother would see some money. Later that afternoon the Commodore called from Boston to ask how it had gone and I told him all was well and thanked him. He said "let me call them one more time and let them know there would be no late payments".  Sounded fine to me. Like I said they had a way with words.

Unfortunately, The Commodore scared them too much.   The headline in the next morning's paper was "Every late payment will be another nail in your coffin".  It went to an attorney, then to the cops, and at 2 a.m. that morning I was taken from my house in handcuffs.  My living room was filled with the items I had taken from the Johnsons and the Mustang was in my back yard. The charges included grand larceny and interstate extortion (because of the phone call from Boston).  I forget all the exact charges, but the police had the Johnsons in protective custody...what a mess. If the theft of the money didn't kill my mother, I thought this might. Because the call came from Boston, it was interstate and the FBI was on the scene.  They wanted very much for me to tell them who the people from Boston were.

About a month later, I was being drilled by the city attorney, who I fed on a regular basis, and the local FBI agent. My attorney, the Honorable Joseph O'Rourke, was present and they were deciding whether to take the case to the Grand Jury. The pressure was on me to tell them who the people from Boston were.  Up to that time I had told them some story about them being actors I had hired to scare the Johnsons.  Nobody was buying it.  It was a defining moment - I was scared as hell, but my options were limited.

I turned to my attorney and asked what was going to happen if I didn't turn my friends in; the answer was grim and dark. Some serious fines and possible jail time - none of which was very appealing. By this time everybody knew the real story. There was some sympathy building for me but the fact remained, I had taken the law into my own hands and had been fairly reckless and public about it.  But, in my mind, I thought, What jury would convict me?!

It was time to take a stand.  I looked the city prosecutor straight in the eye and said, "Let me get this straight, if I don't tell who those guys were you're not going to execute me, right?"  There was a bit of silence in the room, but the answer was no. With that answer I told them to do what they had to do.  They dropped all charges a few days later.

We took the Johnsons to court in a civil case and won.  They left town and never paid any money to my mother. She was, however, awarded the possessions we took from them which had remained in police custody as evidence. I have never seen them again and I understand Mr. Johnson passed away last year.

We began to re-enter our everyday lives, deal with our misfortune, focus on the restaurant and raising my boys... 

We hope you'll come visit and spend some time with us this  Spring before the summer crowds arrive.


Fine Dining in Pawleys Island

Monday, April 11, 2011

Something special every night of the week at Bove:

Mondays:  Happy Hour at the bar with new Bar Menu served all night

Tuesdays:  $8 Awesome Bove Burger
Ladies night is back with 1/2 price cocktails and 1/2 price wines by the glass for the ladies at the Bove Bar!

Wednesdays:  Happy Hour at the bar
Half Price Entree's with your Insiders Card

Thirsty Thursdays: Live music with Greg Everhart
Bove Bar Happy Hour
Slow roasted Black Angus Prime Rib, mashed potatoes & vegetable $19
Insiders Card Holders receive 1 free glass of our featured wine and 1/2 Price Wines by the Glass all night.

Fridays:  Happy Hour at the Bar
The Bove Fresh Seafood Platter $19

Happy Hour EVERY night 5:00 - 7:00 with Chip Vermont's NEW Spring drink specials:  The Gin Fizz; The Caribbean, The Capichini; and $3 Martinis.  And the new Bove Bar menu served all night:

  • Piccolo Fritto, fried green tomatoes, calamari, lemon-herb aioli
  • Marinated goat cheese, fire roasted tomatoes, virgin olive oil, fresh herbs & crostini
  • Jumbo lump crab cake, southern slaw, gribiche
  • Smothered hand-cut French Fries, Bolognese, Romano cheese
  • House-made meatballs baked with Fontina cheese
  • Steamed NC clams Basquaise, sausage, peppers, onion
  • Rigatoni with Tuscan sausage and pecorino

Featured Recipe
White Bean Soup w/Collards, Pancetta, Romano Cheese

This soup is always a staple in our restaurants.  We make it with white beans (cannellini... northern white) or just about any bean will work. Sometimes we use spinach but any green works...sometimes we use bacon, sausage, country ham, you can use anything in your pantry. We should call this "The Pantry Soup"!

8 /15-20 oz cans white beans
2 cups chicken stock
1cup tomato sauce
3 tablespoons olive oil
1 bunch collards
1 lb pancetta or bacon
4 large cloves garlic, chopped
1 bunch chopped scallions
2 stocks celery, sliced fine
3 tablespoons fresh chopped parsley
2 teaspoons dry oregano
1 cup grated romano cheese
2 teaspoons red chili peppers (optional)
S&P to taste

Serves 8-10
If you prefer dry beans, soak overnight

Render the pancetta, chop and reserve the fat.  Cook the collards down and chop reserve.
In a large heavy bottom pot, put the oil and rendered bacon fat. On medium heat add the garlic, celery, scallions, parsley and red pepper.  Sweat them until soft and translucent. Add the pancetta and collards, stir for about two minutes. Add the beans with the juice from the can, stir frequently to mix well in the pot.  Add the chicken stock and oreganosalt & pepper to taste.

Simmer for 1 hour, serve with grated cheese and crushed red pepper.